

Children should reach the school intime.

Uniform is a must when they come to school. However on Wednesday & Saturday Children should wear Sports Uniforms.

Birthday Children can come with a special Dress to celebrate in the School.

No Child is allowed to leave the school premises before the scheduled time.

Person (s) who comes to collect the child be known to the staff of the school. If a new person comes to take the child, proper introduction paper should be sent along.

Children by Bus or Van should be handed over to the Conductor or Driver and should be collected accordingly.

Parents are requested not to disturb the Teachers or Students during the school hours.

For any suggestion and clarification parents are requested to meet the teacher on 4th Saturday.

Parents are requested to discuss the matter related to the child only with teachers and Principal, But after or before the class hours.

Books, Pencils Box, Snack Box Basket, Water Bottles etc, should bear name of child.

Attendance must be regular for a child. Parents are requested to make a habit to send the child regularly to school.

No damages or breakages by the child will be entertained, if it is a major damage fine will be charged to the parent.

Sick children should not be sent to the school. Parent are requested to take immediate precautions for any health problems of the child.

Boiled cold water filled should be provided to the child while coming
to the school.

Fees to be deposited as per the Schedule time given.

Gold Ornaments have to be avoided. If any problems rise in this regard, School is not responsible.

Fashionable costumes, hairstyle are restricted.

Nail cutting in a week is must.

Attend Morning Assembly without fail.

Parent's, Teacher's meeting for Nursery & KG will be on Second Saturday and for Higher Classes on IV Saturday.